Thursday, May 29, 2014

December in Pictures

We started December with a puppet show! Bug designed and made two different sets and preformed a puppet show about the changing of the seasons and....aliens LOL
Bug making sets for her puppet show

Winter set in the middle of its creation
 Our cat Meeka had a kitten. It's a boy and we named him Oliver Cat Pants
Oliver Cat Pants
Sadly four days after Oliver was born the neighbors dog killed Meeka :( We were devastated and got the dog catcher involved becuse this was not the first time thier dog has killed one of our cats. After everything nothing was done. Very typical of small town favoritism as our neighbors are part of a family that has been in the area for generations :( Willowtree took Oliver under her caring wing and bottle fed him every four hours, taught him to eat and use the litter box. He has grown big and strong and is the sweetest cat. Willow now has a dog and a cat.
The puppies looks are changing alot now
Chubbs Magoo

Brewski Bear
Spicy Nuts & Bolts

We made a bunch of snack foods to give as Yule gifts to friends and family.  Three kinds of nuts and bolts, peppermints, fudge, banana bread, candied orange peel, candied almonds and cookies.

Half spicy half regular in a nice winter themed plastic to give away at Yule
 Bug loves to sculpt and does it often. This time she made a Dalek. She gave it to me at Yule :) I do love The Doctor!!!

We made melt and pour soap and some lotion bars. I forgot to take pictures. I am having a lot of issues with our camera and we need a new one, it is a pain in the butt to use so a lot of the time we get doing something and are so engrossed in what we are doing that I totally forget to take pics. Sorry
We did a week long focus on the inner workings of the human body doing experiments on hinge and ball joints, synovial fluids, the lungs and diaphragm, the heart, balance and the inner ear and how sugars and starches react in the body. For Bug we used The Magic School Bus Human Body experiment Kit and the older Minions are working in The Neilson Biology textbook.
After learning about the Fukashima disaster and the plight of the Pacific seafood Bug asked if she could try Lobster as she might not have another chance. So we went all out and bought everyone in the family a live lobster and cooked them for our Yule dinner.

 I am a huge Doctor Who fan, actually we are all pretty big fans in our house. I saw a weeping angel tree topper craft online and had to do it!! So off to the second hand store I went to find the perfect angel to rip apart and create this!! I love it and have decided next year to do a Doctor themed tree  :)
Weeping angel tree topper I made
 Our small bathroom off our bedroom needs to be redone and I think i am going to do it Dr. Who themed.
We celebrated Yule. All the minions except the oldest were home for the holidays and our nephew came to stay as well.
The oldest called us on Yule to wish us a Merry Yule and give us some very big news! His girlfriend is expecting in June!! The Minions are very excited to be aunts and uncles.
We have yet to have our cold snap so the Minions have been going out almost every day to toboggan and build snow forts etc. They have built a complex of tunnels and rooms all over the front yard under the snow.
At the end of December my older sister had a stroke :( The Minions spent a few days learning about stroke and the causes and effects of them.
We are ready to take on 2014!!

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