Saturday, February 9, 2013

Imbolc 2013

This years Imbolc alter

Close up of my little plushie melted snowmen. They are a perfect symbol of the melting snows.
 In our tradition we celebrate Imbolc from the the 1st to the 3rd of February.  Zed was born on the 1st so we usually dedicate this day to his birthday, this year it was the same. Also this year I decided that I was going to have a crystal party and the best date for everyone was the 2nd so I set the time for late afternoon thinking I could do it all lol Ya No! The crystal party was a great success and loads of fun and I am going to dedicate a whole post to it next.
I did learn that Sabbats should be dedicated to Sabbats!! This is the first year in forever that I did not get everything done candle wise that I wanted to do :( 
Zed`s birthday dessert
We celebrated Zeds birthday as per usual he had a few friends over we ate my special seafood lasagna and had cherries jubilee for dessert.
My sister and nephews came out in the evening to stay for the weekend. On the second we got up early and waited for one of my coven sisters to show up so we could start making candles. When she got here we started making our beeswax sheet candles. Then the ladies came to set up for the crystal party and we enjoyed our evening shopping. After the party wrapped up we feasted and for dessert had a sundae bar.
Toppings for the sundae bar
 We always discuss as a family what we will feast on for every sabbat. We had a great suggestion from Zed for dessert A Sundae Bar!! It was perfect the white melting ice cream is a great symbol for this time of year and with putting all the little toppings on it was like seeding the Earth :)
Zed dishing out the ice cream, Bug waiting patiently.

Willowtree loading up with toppings

Willowtrees sundae
  Everybody loved the sundae bar :)
King Connahers sundae
My sundae

Bugs sundae
Willowtree priming wicks
 The next day we got up bright and early had a good breakfast and started making candles.
Bug with some of the candles she made

Bug rolling beeswax candles

King Connaher and his best friend cousin Spencer priming wicks

Some of the beeswax candles my coven sister made

First batch of beeswax sheet candles made by the minions, myself and my sister

Bug priming wicks

Spencer and King Connahers candles

Zed making a candle

The beeswax sheet candles I made

Willowtree making candles
In the mid afternoon we took a break for our Imbolc ritual. 
Working Imbolc alter
As part of our Imbolc ritual we did the Brigids cross guided meditation were you make the cross as you do a meditation to help you choose your years path.
My cross for this year
We did a women's mysteries circle along with our Imbolc ritual as the mysteries for Imbolc are woman based.
My sisters henna

 We drummed and shared in the power of woman, cleansed and wrote powerful symbols in henna on each other. We talked of hidden mysteries and shared in truths known by the soul.
A coven sisters henna

My henna

Moms henna

 After ritual we returned to crafting. We made healing Pine balm and blessed it with the healing powers of Goddess Brigid.
Pine balm cooling

Bug kept busy by making a gel candle
Bugs finished gel candle.
We wanted to make pour and melt candles and soap but didn`t get to it. I will do what I need over the next few weeks. We had a wonderful sabbat filled with family and good friends. Before everyone left I pulled out one more dessert made specially for Imbolc!
Banana cream trifle
We had a great time and I learned valuable lesson, Stop taking on to much and it`s ok if we don`t do everything!! Now we look forward to Lupricalia and celebrating the festival of LOVE!!
Have a magickal day!

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