Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mommy’s minions…..

So I told ya a bit about me, now here is a bit about the minions.

The Boys…
    Zed is the oldest an Aquarius born under a Taurus moon. When I was pregnant with him I had very vivid dreams full of wolves and a man who was also a Raven. The wolves were always running beside me and never scared me, I knew they were excited and anticipating this birth for some reason. The man was not scary either he was watching and protecting. (Now I know all about this and what it is about and I will post on it in the future I promise) Zed was born on Imbolc quick and easy with only three hours of labour. From a very early age he had an amazing connection with animals, I remember watching him play hide and seek with a wild weasel at the age of four. He is very much at ease in the wilderness and with all things wild. We have had a zoos worth of animals over the years and the majority were Zeds. Growing up he spent a lot of time with my Dad and learned as much as he could about nature and how to survive in it.  He loves all animals and wants to work in an animal conservation field eventually.  First tho he wants to join the military to serve his country just like his Dad did. He loves the natural sciences and excels in these fields and has a great passion for ancient history. He has worked part time since he was twelve and has tried his hand at cooking, dog training, logging, electrostatic painting, landscaping and last year he worked on a ranch for a dog breeder to work off a pure bred Doberman puppy, her name is Terra Mae.  He is very active and loves to wrestle has a great sense of humour and is fiercely loyal. His totems are Wolf and Otter and when he was nine he informed me he is owned by Loki and their relationship has been an interesting ride to this point.

King Connaher is an Aries with a Scorpio moon. He also had a quick entry into our world the doctor didn’t even make it up from the cafeteria a nurse had to deliver him. He is my warrior and has been obsessed with all things warrior since he could talk. As a young child he would spend hours building castles and fighting with his knights and dragons. He loves dragons!! likes to read and his favorite subject is history. He is becoming very adept at scrying. King Connaher is also a very talented painter, loves to invent and create and is always “doing experiments”.  He is a gamer and has a very frustrating habit of wrapping a game within days or sometimes hours of purchase. He loves zombie movies and says he prays for Z day (as does my husband and his older brother). He likes anime and the last few years he has shifted his focus to Japan and loves all things Japanese. He has started to learn to speak Japanese and is planning on visiting the country when he turns eighteen. He says when he grows up he wants to be a police officer or a soldier because they are todays warriors. Like me he needs his alone time so he practices yoga, tai chi and meditates daily.  His totems are Dragon, Ram and Red tail Hawk.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Mabon

So today we are celebrating Mabon, the second of the three harvests we celebrate in our tradition. Mabon is the fruit and vegetable harvest as Lughnasadh is the grain harvest and Samhain is the harvest of souls or meat. This year we are celebrating with a feast as we always do. Bug busied herself most of the afternoon making a Mabon cornucopia out of construction paper, pipe cleaners, pom poms and foam shapes. Willowtree helped me in the kitchen.
This years menu
Stuffed Acorn Squash: Squash is a perfect autumn harvest veggie. In the stuffing there are apples, walnuts, cranberries all great Mabon symbols
Corn on the cob: A bountiful harvest veggie in our area
Waldorf salad: Apples, Grapes and Walnuts again all great Mabon symbols
Rosemary olive oil heavy bread: Rosemary is a Mabon herb
Rosemary Sage custard: Rosemary and Sage are both Mabon herbs plus they come from my own garden
Sour cream apple pie: Apples are the fruit of the Goddess they hold a place of high honor in our tradition and at this time of year.

We all sat around the table and gave praise and thanks to the Goddess and God for all of the blessings in our lives. Later tonight Willowtree and I will join our Coven and celebrate Mabon and the Harvest Moon in ritual. May you all be able to see the bounty in your lives
Goddess Bless you this Mabon

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A series of unfortunate events........

One of the first questions most people ask me when they find out my minions are not in public school is WHY?  I was familiar with homeschooling the thought had crossed my mind on numerous occasions but like most my minions were in public school. I was too busy to homeschool, I wanted a career.
So why did I??
Let me tell you about a series of unfortunate events…..

When we moved to the city the minions (except Bug, she was still a baby) were enrolled in a public school only 4 blocks from our house, we thought it was a stroke of luck. Now living in this particular city was very different from the cities we had been in before within the first three months we had seen, heard and dealt with more violence than any other city we had been in, We brushed it off as "it's the city what can you expect."
    Summer holidays came and went and Zed was going to middle school, a different school than King Connaher and Willowtree. He was so excited!  There was going to be a bit of a bus ride on the city bus, but it was for students only the “School Special” they called it. Unfortunately the bus driver had a problem with the student only policy and let other passengers on all the time. The first disaster was a drunk who vomited all over the bus, then there was the junkie who wouldn't leave the kids alone and another junkie who freaked out and stole some kids backpack and terrified the whole bus. We complained every time and were given various excuses and told that we could always take him ourselves.     
    Meanwhile Willowtree had been having some bully issues at her and king Connahers school, we had been to the school a few times and the school was not doing a thing about it.
     Samhain was coming and one week before our favourite holiday one of my worst nightmares happened.  King Connaher and Willowtree were walking home from school about a block from our house when a guy in a beige van pulled up and ask them if they wanted a ride, they kept walking. Then he pulled up closer to the curb and asked them if they wanted some candy and held up some chocolate bars. They started to run and were screaming “Get away from me Stranger!! After I called the police I called the school to alert them and they brushed it off saying “this close to Halloween it could have been some one in the spirit” not even caring to alert the parents of the other students of this potential danger.
    At Zeds school there were some very disturbing events going on. He would come home with stories of fights being broken up by staff using excessive violence. Then Zed got into a fight at school it was a minor scuffle with some pushing, no punches were thrown and it was over before the teachers showed up to break it up but for some reason Zed and the other boy were very roughly physically restrained. Now I was pissed!! NO ONE puts there hands on MY CHILD!! We went to the school to deal with it and were told that the teacher was sorry and it wouldn't happen again but with what they had to deal with on a daily basis it was to be expected. What a load of BULL!!
     At this same time King Connaher was invited to start at a new school, his artistic talents had been noticed and he went to a special program in a different school to foster these skills.
    A few weeks later terror struck our city when a little girl was sexually assaulted in her school bathroom. I was horrified and even more disgusted when I found out how close this had happen to our school and that day they let the kids walk home even tho the monster had not yet been found. I called the principle to inquire why? He told me it wasn’t his school it had happened at and not a big deal that the kids had walked home! Willowtree never went back!! She was enrolled as a home school student the next week.    
     Awhile later a boy at Zeds school walked out into the crowded hallway during class change and slit his wrists from hand to elbow. That was the last straw now Zed was being homeschooled as well. 
    So that is the answer to Why I home school my minions, a series of unfortunate events led to the most wonderful adventure of our lives so far…… Oh and what of King Connaher you might ask…. Well he finished out the year at his new school but come fall the next year he wanted to be at home with the rest of the minions having a blast. So hubby and I decided that all of the minions would be homeschooled from then on.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

In the beginning....

I guess this first post should be an introduction...
I am Avalonschild and I am the mother of five wonderful children.
I have been married to my soul mate for 15 years.
I am a Witch.
We are natural learners.

This blog is going to be a big mash up of alot of things my witchy ways, natural learning, my minions and our crazy life.
So a little background....I am Leo and a very typical one. I was raised in a very liberal home with strong, loving, wonderful parents. My Dad taught me about the natural world, that everything is connected and that the Earth is our Mother and above all She needs to be worshiped and respected. He taught me to stand up and use my voice, to always fight for my beliefs and so very much more. He crossed the veil last year and left a gaping hole in our world that we are still dealing with. My Mom taught me about plants and herbs about blending in with the Earth, not bending it to what I want. She taught me to whisper to bees and talk to the animals and plants. She taught me how to be a mom and to really listen and she taught me about gentleness and beauty. I thank the Goddess each day that she is still with us. Now there is one other person I credit for me being me and that is my Gramma Jean, she taught me about being a strong woman and about unconditional love. She taught me the importance of ancestors and history, she taught me were I came from and supported me no matter what. She crossed the veil in 2005 and it was the one of the hardest losses I have suffered so far.

Now my parents and my Gramma were very instrumental in the beginning, they helped to build the foundation of ME. So much more has gone into it obviously and with out telling you it all there are somethings that will help fill out the picture. I was born and raised in Canada and spent the majority of my younger life and my teens in the great white north this has had a big impact on who I am. I left home and the north when I was 15 and lived with my Gramma till I was 18 then I was out on my own. I met my husband in 1994 he was in the military and was married in 1995. Zed our oldest son was born during Imbolc 1993 next came another son King Connaher in April of 1996, two years later in September a daughter our beautiful Willowtree. We decided to move as I wanted to have it all and started to focus on a career, medicine was my dream at this point and I wanted to be a Naturopath so I started to take steps in that direction. I enrolled in collage and in my last year before moving on to University found out I was pregnant with our youngest daughter Bug, she joined us in April of 2004. So we moved again so i could go to University and fulfill my dream of becoming a doctor. Then the universe decided husbands grandmother needed me and I had no doubt of what was more important so I decided to put my studies on hold and give her the care she needed till she passed threw the veil. In the mean time the universe had other plans entirely and our journey into homeschooling began...........